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Proportion you will need to pay

Cost Information

Pie Chart
Proportion you will need to pay 
An anaesthetist is a specialist doctor. While the surgeon is operating, the anaesthetist is keeping you alive – ensuring that you are asleep, you are breathing well, your heart is pumping blood appropriately, you are comfortable, and that you will be resucitated if required.

The anaesthesia fee is separate to the surgeon's fee and the hospital fee.

A small part of your fee will be reimbursed by Medicare and your private health insurance (amounts vary between health funds).

The majority of your fee will not be reimbursed and this is known as the “out of pocket expense”. You must have these funds available prior to your operation.
Costs to Patients
Pie Chart costs of Anaesthesia
How is the total fee calculated?
Fee Cost
How is the total fee calculated? 

By adding up the cost of:

  1. The consult with the anaesthetist prior to the operation.

  2. The type of operation – For example, cataract surgery costs less than complex back surgery.

  3. The time and duration you receive anaesthesia services – this includes both anaesthesia time and surgical time. The anaesthesia time is longer than the surgical time.

  4. Your individual medical condition.

Dr David Reiner 
B.Med, F.A.N.Z.C.A, PG Dip Echo


About Us

Member of 
Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists
Australian Society of Anaesthetists

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